I created a map so that we could VISUALLY see where people will be driving or flying from so we might be able to coordinate and link up.
In this article I give instructions but if they are confusing see my youtube video here:
Trek to OshKosh 2010 map instructions
If you are going to OshKosh in 2010, add a placemark on this map (See below for info) from where you are leaving. Ensure to note whether you are flying or driving. Please format your title like this "Eric Marenyi (Flying) Holly Ridge, NC". In your description you can add more details like your email, alternate plans, departing day, or what aircraft you will be flying.
Here is the map:
Trek to OshKosh 2010 map
The EDIT button will show but you do have to sign in to add a point (registration is free).
If after you sign in you don't see the the edit button, make sure you are on the page that says MY MAPS in the upper left, you will then see the map under 'Created by others' in the left-hand navigation, you should see the Edit button in the upper right.
To add a placemark to the map, navigate to where you will be departing from then click on EDIT. You can then go on to the right side of the screen and into the map, right click, and "add a placemark". Mac users must Control Click to get the pop-up menu. If you have any issues creating a palcemark, send me an email off list and I will add it for you. Just be sure to include the information. You can change your icon from the default blue drop to an airplane or a car to further simplify the map overview.
Please feel free to share this with other lists of similar speed and capability aircraft, ultralights, and LSA's (Rans/Excalibur/Kolb/Titan/Quicksilver/etc).
Thanks everyone, hopefully it will be used.
Any questions post a comment.
Eric Marenyi
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